Kamy Anderson


Kamy Anderson

Expert Writer |

Kamy Anderson is a Senior Writer specializing in online learning and training. His blog focuses on trends in eLearning, online training, webinars, course development, employee training, gamification, LMS, AI, and more. Kamy's articles have been published in eLearningIndustry, TrainingMag, Training Zone, and Learning Solutions Magazine. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

Articles by Kamy Anderson

10 Best Computer-Based Training Tools You Must Try

Finding the right computer-based training (CBT) tool is not as easy as placing an order at a restaurant. With the latter, you are clear about what you want to do, like which cuisine to try, how much quantity you want to order, etc. But when choosing computer-based training tools, you’re most likely to get baffled....
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What Is OSHA Construction Training: Benefits & Requirements

Construction sites are one of the most dangerous places to work. Even with the slightest error, workers can suffer injuries and even fatalities. According to the statistics for 2021, the construction industry ranks fourth in terms of the highest number of fatalities. So, how can you maintain safety at your workplace? The answer lies in...
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How to Build an Effective Employee Training Plan

Industry trends and in-demand skills are constantly changing, necessitating organizations to prioritize employee training plans to keep up with them. It’s no surprise that employees with suitable training are likely to stay longer with their organization. And the latest statistics highlight the importance of employee training for organizational success. 94% of employees stick with companies...
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The 5Cs of New Hire Onboarding

HR managers face innumerable challenges, one of which is keeping the employees engaged throughout the onboarding process. This is why knowing the 5Cs of onboarding is essential. So, what can you do to keep the new employees engaged? The answer is simple. Put the 5Cs into action and make it an integral part of your...
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How to Build the Best Corporate Finance Training Program

Before we begin to understand the best ways to create finance training programs, let’s look at the losses that take place at a massive scale when such programs are not in place. $100 million ⇒ Losses from one of the biggest identity theft cases undertaken by a software company employee named Philip Cummings. $1.1 billion...
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How to Create an Impactful Nonprofit Volunteer Training Program

Non-profit organizations face several volunteer training challenges.  A lack of training funds, geographically dispersed members, and the absence of standard training departments can all contribute to this.  And some volunteers join an organization without even knowing what is expected of them. Coordinating volunteer activities, inconsistencies in efforts, disorganization, volunteer burnout, and lack of time are...
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100+ Employee Evaluation Comments for Performance Reviews

Imagine receiving feedback that says, ‘Your work is consistently late and careless.’ ⏰? Now picture a different approach: ‘Let’s find ways to help you meet deadlines.The first employee evaluation comment can demoralize even the hardest worker, while the second fosters collaboration and improvement. This distinction can make or break a team’s performance. It highlights the...
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What Is eLearning Courseware & How to Develop It

Is eLearning still a challenge for you? If yes, turn it into an opportunity no matter what. Why? That’s because the world is rapidly changing by capitalizing on this amazing learning system. Let’s look at it statistically. According to Brandon Hall Group, eLearning takes 40% to 60% lesser time than the conventional learning method. IBM...
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How to Develop an In-House Training Program for Your Company

An in-house training program can save you time and costs on employee training. It makes the training more specific while keeping the learners focused on real issues. It also offers the convenience of customization and scheduling while fostering team-building exercises. You must be thinking all this sounds good. It really does. But have you ever...
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12 Best Remote Collaboration Tools for 2025

What are the best online collaboration tools for remote teams? There are many. These tools enable users to work collaboratively and stay productive, regardless of the location. Using these software applications, participants can work on any projects from anywhere. They come integrated with powerful tools for instant messaging, video conferencing, screen sharing, and time tracking....
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