5 Benefits of Responsive eLearning Courses

What type of device are you using while reading this article: a desktop, laptop or maybe your smartphone?

Do you know the reason why you can easily read through the material using any of the devices mentioned earlier? You can read the article only because it follows a responsive design. When you create an online training course, you need to adopt the same design as well. Today, adopting a responsive design for web pages has become a necessity considering the different types of mobile devices dominating the market.

So, What Is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design is an approach that makes web pages display perfectly on any device, window or screen size. The same design has found its way into the e-learning space gradually.

The pages of an e-learning course are not dissimilar to regular web pages. When you access the same training course online using either a desktop or a mobile phone, you expect the pages to display correctly irrespective of the screen size.

This is possible only when you create responsive e-learning courses.

Today’s generation mostly prefers using more than one device to complete their training over time. They look out for a more convenient method to read through the training materials.

A study made by Google way back in the year 2012, revealed that:

  • 98% of the users keep moving between devices on any given day.
  • 90% of the users access multiple screens sequentially to accomplish a task over time.

Likewise, when it comes to taking corporate training, learners prefer reading through the courses during their spare hours or while traveling. Rarely, they would opt for traditional methods of training if given a choice.

This radical change observed in the behavior of the corporates has necessitated the fast adoption of responsive design for e-learning courses.

But the tendency of the learners to shift from one device to another can pose a challenge to you or anyone for that matter. You can either:

  • Create multiple versions of the same online course for numerous devices, or,
  • Create a course responsive to different electronic devices.

The first option is neither feasible nor economical. As it can get quite challenging to create separate versions of the same course for different devices- desktops, laptops or smartphones, so creating a responsive e-learning material is the answer for you.

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Your employees can enjoy the following benefits if your training course adopts such a responsive design.

1. Anytime, Anywhere Learning

Flexibility in learning is strongly preferred by young corporates today. Web-based training courses offer the same flexibility, allowing users to read content anytime and from anywhere. Responsiveness to different screen sizes can facilitate anytime and anywhere learning. It will become easier for learners to complete part of their training on a laptop during work hours and then switch to a smartphone for the remaining portion when traveling.

2. User-Friendly Interface

Irrespective of the screen size in use, it is important for any learner to easily navigate through the courses without facing too many hurdles. They can easily swipe, slide, zoom-in or zoom-out the screen when reading through the texts. Only a user-friendly and responsive design can allow easy and effortless navigation when accessing the course using any device.

3. Curtails High Training Budget

Today, the market offers a feasible solution to each problem. Companies like ProProfs offer Training Maker Software to help companies develop engaging web-based courses within the budget. People use such training maker software to develop responsive e-learning courses in no time. You do not have to develop a training course separately for a desktop, laptop, and or a smartphone. The training software takes care of this problem. The responsive design followed in the courses helps employees access them from any mobile device. So, you can save both your time and money by developing a single training program which supports multiple screen sizes.

4. Increased Audience Outreach

Today, companies prefer using cutting-edge technology in every process. The young millennials dominating the corporate world presently are more tech-savvy than their predecessors. Hence, companies need to evolve with the changing market situation to get better output from the talented workforce. Even corporate training courses need to evolve with time. The employees look out for a multi-device learning which a responsive e-learning course can take care of. You can, also, train each and every member of your organization easily irrespective of the device they use.

Watch: How to Share Your Courses With Learners

5. Ready for the Future

The best part of creating a responsive e-learning course is that the same training course is future-proof.  It is highly unlikely that technology will stop evolving anytime soon. Probably, more and more devices with varying screen sizes will be lining up, waiting to make their grand entry into the market. In the absence of responsive design, it will become a cumbersome task for the developers to keep developing the same course responsive to every trending screen size. Instead of searching for a cure then, it is always feasible to adopt preventive measures aforehand. Then, your web-based training course will always be ready for the future.

Do You Think Responsive E-Learning Course Is Worth Your Time?

Today, learners are more empowered to choose the devices of their liking to complete a training course. A responsive e-learning course offers that freedom and flexibility to the learners. However, designing such type of courses consumes time and requires multiple testing. So, it is a one-time investment which is likely to fetch better results.

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About the author

Kamy Anderson is a Senior Writer specializing in online learning and training. His blog focuses on trends in eLearning, online training, webinars, course development, employee training, gamification, LMS, AI, and more. Kamy's articles have been published in eLearningIndustry, TrainingMag, Training Zone, and Learning Solutions Magazine. Connect with him on LinkedIn.