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5 Ways To Incorporate Mobile Learning Into Your Training

The traditional format of training and learning in different organizations is shifting towards a more mobile environment partly due to the limitations of the traditional classroom method and partly due to the need to keep pace with this tech-driven world. The classroom mode restricts the learning of employees – they have to leave their day...
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Virtual Reality in Education: Benefits, Tools, and Resources

We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience most of our world – David Warlick Innovation in technology has led to major advancements in the education industry. Online classes, video conferencing,...
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4 Common Misconceptions About eLearning in the Workplace

Employee training is crucial for every organization. Whether it is new employees or existing staff of a company, organizations need to provide the right training at the right time. New employees require training to get acquainted with the policies, procedures, and culture of the company. Existing employees need training programs to brush up on their...
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Predictions for the Future of Digital Learning

According to a 2016 Statista report, the share of American students who exclusively take online education courses shows a permanent 0.6% average yearly increment. The number of students who blend visiting campus and taking online courses has a 0.9% index of yearly growth. The total number of distant students already exceeds over 7 million. A...
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5 Ways to Increase E-learning Subscribers By Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is essential when a brand is trying to promote a new course and trying to get more eLearners to subscribe. Fortunately, if a business is providing a good experience to their existing customer base, they may find that their customers will do some talking for them. This can lead to new leads...
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How to Use eLearning for Employee Onboarding

Training your seasonal employees this year doesn’t have to be so labor-intensive. With the summer fast approaching, camps are filling up, terraces will be buzzing, and hundreds of thousands of seasonal employees will be going back to work. This means that employers are staring down the hours and hours required to get these seasonal employees...
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12 Best Learning Record Store (LRS) in 2025: Free & Paid

If you’re serious about e-learning, you should know about learning record store (LRS). I’ve been working in the e-learning industry for over a decade, and in my opinion, LRSs are the key to unlocking the full potential of your online training. LRSs let you easily track and analyze learner’s progress and performance by storing learning...
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15 Global eLearning Trends & the Future of the eLearning Industry

I know how essential it is to keep myself posted about eLearning trends since I’m actively involved with the online training and learning industry. I believe it is the same case with you. Knowing the direction and the future of eLearning is key to your business strategies. It is about staying competitive and relevant. To...
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5 Benefits of Responsive eLearning Courses

What type of device are you using while reading this article: a desktop, laptop or maybe your smartphone? Do you know the reason why you can easily read through the material using any of the devices mentioned earlier? You can read the article only because it follows a responsive design. When you create an online...
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How Microlearning Can Improve Your Business

Micro-learning, as its name suggests, is the consumption of the educational materials in short and focused bursts using innovative eLearning software and systems. In today’s tech-based corporate world, this type of learning can be the solution to the boring training programs your company had been arranging to train employees. Even in your life, there was a...
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