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What Is a Performance Improvement Plan: Benefits & Ways to Implement

Every manager faces the challenge of addressing team members whose performance doesn’t quite hit the mark. As an expert in the training industry, I understand the delicate balance of nurturing talent while ensuring company goals are met. Incorporating strategic training into a performance improvement plan (PIP) is key. Today, I’m here to guide you through...
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What Is Compliance Training? Types, Benefits, Programs & Best Practices

In my experience within the training industry, I’ve seen the significant impact of compliance training. Adhering to regulations and policies regarding safety and ethics is vital. Many organizations struggle with engagement and keeping the content current, which can lead to severe gaps in legal compliance. Considering these aspects, I have created an informative post to...
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A Guide to Field Staff Training Programs

Imagine a scenario where you send your field staff out into the world without any training or guidance. They enter unfamiliar territories unprepared, unsure of what to expect or how to handle various situations. As a result, they struggle to meet deadlines and make mistakes, and in the end, your company suffers. If you have...
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15 Employee Retention Strategies That Work

I know how challenging employee retention can be, but only if you don’t know what really is to be done about it. In my over six years in the online training space, I’ve learned about several employee engagement and management best practices. In this blog post, I’ll present a list of proven employee retention strategies...
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What Is Discrimination Training? Types & the Best Programs

Managers and leaders across organizations face a top responsibility: creating an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their best. Yet, the reality is that discrimination still exists in many workplaces, manifesting in subtle and overt ways and hindering employees’ potential for success. But we don’t have to accept this. Discrimination training...
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8 Employee Training Best Practices for Measurable Results

Employee training is no longer an option today. And employee training best practices are applicable not just to new hires but also to existing employees.  According to a survey done on around 600 employees – Nearly 57% said they would rather leave their job than stay at the same place with no professional development. You...
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12 Most Requested Employee Training Topics in 2024

Choosing the right employee training topics is equally important as delivering training, if not more. If you want a ready list of in-demand corporate training topics, I can help. Based on my analysis of the online training & learning industry, here are the topics that I found many employees and organizations seek the most these...
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12 Tips for Small Business Employee Training Programs

Being in the training industry, I’ve witnessed the hurdles that small businesses often encounter when trying to build a successful workforce. Small businesses often grapple with limited resources and budget constraints. This makes it challenging to attract, train, and retain skilled employees. This inspired me to put together this guide on how to create small...
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A Guide to Employee Resilience Training in the Workplace

Resilience training is vital for building a team of strong employees. If you find it challenging to plan and execute such training, this guide has the answers. I’ve spent years in the trenches of the training and learning industry, witnessing how employees burn out, lose motivation, and even break down under pressure. That made me...
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12 Best Soft Skills Training Courses for Employees in 2024

What do you think contributes the most to the success of an organization? While you can name so many elements, it’s important to understand that soft skills training for employees is an essential component that contributes to the overall organizational success. But which soft skills do employees need the most to deliver better results? Let’s...
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