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How to Create Construction Safety Training for Employees

Along with logging, refuse collection, and truck driving, construction is considered a high-risk occupation. That’s why construction safety training is so important. As of 2022, there are 10,019,790 employees in the construction industry. In 2020, more than 130,000 construction workers lost their work time due to illness or injuries. Roughly 20% of worker fatalities are...
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3 Most Common Challenges of Employee Training and How to Overcome Them

Training your employees is the most important aspect of a business, be it a reputed company in the industry or a brand new startup. After all, it is the most crucial aspect that will help your business evolve and remain competitive. Employee training involves developing the abilities of the employees and upgrading their knowledge to...
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Advantages Of Employee Training Software For Small Businesses

  For any business toying with the idea of incorporating a new training program, the advantages of e-Learning greatly outweigh those of in-person or classroom training. Staying updated, and remaining productive are critical challenges for many businesses today, and most of them are now looking to e-Learning to save time, energy and money. Not only...
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How Training Incentives Encourage Greater Learner Participation

Strategically, when a company plans to invest in economic development and chases the technology upgrade, it requires talented employees commanding proficient skills. And for this reason, providing training incentives becomes the need of an hour to stay ahead of the race. Did you know that the US companies spent more than $70 billion in 2016...
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7 Best Ways to Increase Productivity of Employees

Theis Moerk, Vice President of Product Development at EPOS, a part of the Demant Group (a leading audio and hearing technology group), says: “It’s clear that companies have a responsibility to not only their business but their employees, to provide them with the best equipment to ensure optimum productivity levels as well as maintain their...
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What is an Online Training System?

IBM reportedly saved $200 million after it made a switch from traditional in-person training to an online training system. More than 70% of companies believe that online learning is key to their long-term strategy. By 2020, almost all employers plan to rely on online learning systems to meet the continuing educational needs of their employees. These...
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How to Use Data for Employee Retention

In the past few months, I have encountered quite a few HR professionals who complained about the rising problem of involuntary attrition. While most of them were worried about the ballooning cost by losing talent, I was keen to find out the reason that makes an employee choose greener pastures. Although it is tough to...
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How Businesses Can Measure Online Training ROI & Performance

You feel relaxed after launching the big online training initiative and suddenly these questions start to haunt you: “How do I know if my learners understood the material or not? Was the training effective? Is the survey which I had shared with the attendees to get feedback was really enough or do I need something...
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What Makes a Training Program Rewarding for Your Employees

Training programs exist to make sure your employees are well-equipped with the skills, knowledge, and procedural awareness necessary to fulfill their responsibilities as safely and productively as possible. Investing in a good training program helps you cut the costs of educating new hires and establishes a faster-integrated, higher-performing team. However, the value of a training...
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Why Your Training Program Needs Constant Updating

Training employees can be exhaustive but having a training program in place can make it not only easier and more efficient but more effective in the long run. Training programs give you a framework that you can use to bring new employees into your organization, making the transition process smoother, setting consistent expectations for all...
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