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Advantages & Disadvantages of Computer-Based Safety Training

Everyone needs training.  Whether it’s to learn the basics in mathematics, first aid, or how to cook.  However, safety training is the flavor of the day, and what we are looking at. Corporations often will require their employees to take courses in first aid, basic hazard safety and workplace safety. But how can they organize...
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What Is Computer Based Training? Benefits & Tools

Computer based training (CBT) boasts of a long history. Computers were the first medium of online learning and training before the birth of smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Still today, a majority of hardware in the workplace consists of computers, although in a modern version. In fact, according to a recent survey, 87% percent of individuals...
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Why Adopt Web-Based Safety Training?

Employees in many industries are required to receive safety training. This requirement may come from the government (such as the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)), from the company, or, more commonly, from both. Because of the many advantages afforded by the online format, more individuals and companies are choosing to pursue this training...
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What Is Diversity Training in the Workplace?

Google. Gap. Pandora. Dropbox. Accenture. BlackRock. What’s common between these companies? They are diversity champions! Known for their successful business, these companies are also talent magnets. Wonder why? Let these numbers tell you a little story. According to the online job portal Glassdoor, more than 65% of job seekers consider workplace diversity important while accepting...
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6 Benefits of Online Corporate Sales Training

In the wake of this realization, there is a dire need for the less costly methods of training’s such as online sales training. E- Learning, without a doubt, reduces costs considerably. The effect is almost dramatic mainly because there is no need for traveling and accommodation expenditure. Furthermore, it reduces the classroom charges as this...
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What Is HIPAA Compliance Training?

Data security is the biggest challenge in the healthcare industry. The largest medical health record breach ever in history was that of the health insurance company Anthem in 2015, where data of 79 million patients was compromised. More than 41.4 million patient record breaches were reported in the United States alone in 2019. In 2020,...
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