Employee Training

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How to Create Construction Safety Training for Employees

Along with logging, refuse collection, and truck driving, construction is considered a high-risk occupation. That’s why construction safety training is so important. As of 2022, there are 10,019,790 employees in the construction industry. In 2020, more than 130,000 construction workers lost their work time due to illness or injuries. Roughly 20% of worker fatalities are...
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What Does HR Actually Do? 7 Responsibilities of HR Professionals

Human resources department is often viewed as a one-dimensional approach. But it is more than just focusing on talent management or keeping the employees aligned with the policies and goals of an organization. The responsibility of a human resources professional is complex and challenging. Of late, there is a huge transformation in the way of...
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How to Use eLearning for Employee Onboarding

Training your seasonal employees this year doesn’t have to be so labor-intensive. With the summer fast approaching, camps are filling up, terraces will be buzzing, and hundreds of thousands of seasonal employees will be going back to work. This means that employers are staring down the hours and hours required to get these seasonal employees...
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3 Most Common Challenges of Employee Training and How to Overcome Them

Training employees is the most important aspect of a business, be it a reputed company in the industry or a brand new startup. After all, it is the most crucial aspect that will help your business evolve and remain competitive. Employee training involves developing the abilities of the employees and upgrading their knowledge to meet...
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What Is Healthcare Compliance Training? Procedures & Benefits

If you think compliance is expensive, try non-compliance – Former U.S. Deputy Attorney General, Paul McNulty A recent study indicates that healthcare providers in the U.S. still have a long way to go when it comes to compliance. One-third of the respondents said that their organizations have only one person in the compliance office. 50% of...
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Advantages Of Employee Training Software For Small Businesses

For any business toying with the idea of incorporating a new training program, the advantages of e-Learning greatly outweigh those of in-person or classroom training. Staying updated, and remaining productive are critical challenges for many businesses today, and most of them are now looking to e-Learning to save time, energy and money. Not only employers...
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5 Ways Managers Can Build Trust In The Workplace

One of the major problems today’s businesses face is the lack of trust. According to the Elderman 2016 Trust barometer, 35% of people don’t trust the company they work for. The results the Global generations study by EY shows are even more worrisome. They found that only 46% of employees have a great deal of...
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How Training Incentives Encourage Greater Learner Participation

Strategically, when a company plans to invest in economic development and chases the technology upgrade, it requires talented employees commanding proficient skills. And for this reason, providing training incentives becomes the need of an hour to stay ahead of the race. Did you know that the US companies spent more than $70 billion in 2016...
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Top 5 Benefits of Multilingual Training Courses

Creating online courses for the purpose of training fresh joiners is not quite an old affair. But imparting knowledge by a mentor is an age-old method, traced back to the 19th century. However, the advent of digitization gradually replaced a human mentor with online training modules. And this is not something that is only visible...
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7 Innovative Ideas to Enhance Workforce Effectiveness

Trends and ties change, such as the millennial generation, which doesn’t believe in spending every hour of the day at work. For a business, it could mean that you should come up with solutions that can make those hours count. That means employing strategies that translate to increased efficiency and boost employee performance. So, what...
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