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7 Best Sensitivity Training Courses & Programs for Employees

When you employ people from diverse cultural backgrounds, misunderstandings, and conflicts are bound to happen between them at times. Such an atmosphere can be attributed to differences in attitudes, unconscious bias, and discrimination. So, what’s the best way out here? The answer is sensitivity training for employees. Here are the top sensitivity training courses that...
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How to Train New Employees: 9 Effective Tips & Strategies

Are you a business owner or training manager tasked with training new employees? Do you often wonder how to train new employees in the best possible way? If yes, I can help you. In this post, we’ll explore some tried and tested strategies to train new employees, streamlining the onboarding process and setting them up...
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Employee Training Matrix: A Guide to Systematic Upskilling

Identifying specific skill gaps and designing effective training programs for employees can be challenging at times. A diverse team with different styles, preferences, and rates of knowledge acquisition can make it difficult to come up with an effective plan for all. That’s where the employee training matrix is the ideal solution, speaking from my experience....
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10 Best Employee Engagement Training Courses & Programs in 2024

Employee engagement is a key factor that influences productivity, retention, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance. That’s why employee engagement training is important. Here’s a list of the top 10 employee engagement training courses and programs you can use. List of Employee Engagement Training Courses  I came up with these employee engagement training topics based...
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100 Best Performance Review Examples (Comments & Phrases)

I always believe that how you say something is far more important than what you say. This can’t be truer anywhere than in the context of employee performance reviews. Using the right comments and phrases in performance reviews is important because it can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the review process, employee...
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12 Best Employee Performance Management Software in 2024

Performance management is the lifeblood of any thriving organization. I’ve seen how it boosted productivity, aligned teams with company goals better, and fostered personal growth. But sadly, many companies still rely on outdated methods or disparate tools. There’s a growing trend toward using specialized software to streamline the process. In this blog, I’ll help you...
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12 Free Training Software for Employees in 2024

Being in the training industry for over a decade now, I’ve seen firsthand businesses struggling to train their employees effectively. The challenges include adopting the wrong training software, expensive software, lack of engagement, and difficulty measuring ROI. But what if there was a way to train your employees for free without sacrificing quality or results?...
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6 Best Employee Communication Software & Tools for 2024

Effective communication is key to building a vibrant team. This survey reveals that companies that promote collaboration and communication at work have reduced employee churn by 50%. On average, employees are 17% more satisfied with their jobs when they collaborate at work. In my long stint in the training and eLearning industry, I’ve seen clients...
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How to Create Engaging & Effective Training Manuals for Employees

Training manuals play a significant role in workplace learning, from new hire onboarding to the ongoing development of existing employees. They help employees get acquainted with their roles and responsibilities, learn how to perform a task correctly and efficiently, and understand specific job-related instructions. Employee training manuals also serve as a reference tool to find...
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In-Person Training vs Online Learning: 10 Key Differences

Are you caught in an in-person training vs online learning dilemma? Not sure which one to adopt? Don’t worry, this post will help you make up your mind quicker and more confidently than you expected. For decades, in-person training has been the chief medium of instruction in educational and corporate settings. It facilitates hands-on training...
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