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10 Best Computer-Based Training Tools You Must Try

Finding the right computer-based training (CBT) tool is not as easy as placing an order at a restaurant. With the latter, you are clear about what you want to do, like which cuisine to try, how much quantity you want to order, etc. But when choosing computer-based training tools, you’re most likely to get baffled....
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What Is OSHA Construction Training: Benefits & Requirements

Construction sites are one of the most dangerous places to work. Even with the slightest error, workers can suffer injuries and even fatalities. According to the statistics for 2021, the construction industry ranks fourth in terms of the highest number of fatalities. So, how can you maintain safety at your workplace? The answer lies in...
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How to Develop an Effective Healthcare Compliance Program

Among the 2022 predictions for the healthcare industry, increased focus on healthcare equity, virtual care, social determinants of health, data management, patient empowerment, and payment integrity are key. To realize these forecasts by healthcare executives, healthcare companies and professionals will need to undergo intensive training programs, including compliance. In addition to information safety, there will...
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How to Create an Effective Food Safety Training Program For Employees

Food is supposed to nourish our bodies & minds and support and sustain lives. But when food contamination occurs and leads to illnesses & deaths, it raises a red flag. According to the World Health Organization (WHO): An estimated 600 million people fall sick every year after eating contaminated food Around 420,000 die every year...
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How to Develop An Effective Manufacturing Training Program

The manufacturing industry’s market size in the U.S. in 2022 as measured by revenue is $6.0 trillion. In such a big industry, many companies work behind the scenes to deliver finished products such as automobiles, electronic goods, clothing, heavy machinery, furniture items, and tools on a large scale. Besides employing many people and registering a...
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Employee Training Evaluations: Benefits, Methods & Tools

Improper training can cost your business millions of dollars per year per 1,000 employees! Let that sink in to understand why training evaluations are necessary. Evaluations act as a checkpoint to measure and analyze whether employee training programs achieve the intended objectives. In other words, they assess what’s working and what’s not so that you...
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100 Best Post Training Survey Questions for Employees

An employee training evaluation survey or employee training feedback survey is an effective tool to improve the quality of a training program to ensure that it’s effective and engaging. It consists of post training survey questions and is shared with the learners at the end of a training program. It helps to gauge training effectiveness...
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How to Build an Effective Employee Training Plan

Industry trends and in-demand skills are constantly changing, necessitating organizations to prioritize employee training plans to keep up with them. It’s no surprise that employees with suitable training are likely to stay longer with their organization. And the latest statistics highlight the importance of employee training for organizational success. 94% of employees stick with companies...
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How to Create Training Modules for Employees: A Complete Guide

Training modules make up each online course, and the success of the courses depends, to a great extent, on the effectiveness of the modules. It’s similar to the important roles each family member plays in building a happy family. One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel, and so a negative experience with a poorly developed...
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How to Build the Best Corporate Finance Training Program

Before we begin to understand the best ways to create finance training programs, let’s look at the losses that take place at a massive scale when such programs are not in place. $100 million ⇒ Losses from one of the biggest identity theft cases undertaken by a software company employee named Philip Cummings. $1.1 billion...
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