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10 Best Employee Training Methods & Their Biggest Benefits

Looking for the best types of employee training methods for your learners? We’ll help you. But before that, let’s quickly understand the importance of finding the right methods. Employee training plays a crucial role in an organization’s success. A good training program makes employees more productive, which makes them contribute more to an organization. Jack...
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What is Employee Management? Features, Benefits & Tips

What is your understanding of employee management? How do you define it? If you think it is synonymous with training and development, unthink it. Because it is much more than learning. The process of employee management begins with selecting the right candidates. It then progresses to the stages of reward & recognition and discipline. In...
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How to Develop a Volunteer Training Program

Roughly 63 million Americans work as volunteers. The economic value of their service is $24.69 per hour or $297.5 billion a year. Similarly, 52% of people in the UK volunteer informally at least once, while 26% of them participate in informal volunteering regularly. According to the most recent data, the economic value of volunteering in...
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What Is Retail Sales Training? Challenges and Solutions

Did you know? 75% of consumers would stop doing business with a retailer if they encountered a bad experience such as poor customer service. They say knowledge is power, so training the employees in the basics and advanced knowledge of retail sales and customer service can make a difference between a sales graph crashing or...
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What Is Channel Partner Training?

According to the market research firm CSO Insights, 63.5% of companies say channel partners contributed to their annual revenue. This piece of information is significant for businesses everywhere. Choosing the right partners or product resellers is not enough. You need to sustain the relationships through various channel partner training programs. It will help strengthen your...
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How to Develop Soft Skills in the Workplace

According to, adaptability, active listening, emotional intelligence, and teamwork are among the top soft skills employers will be looking for in job seekers in 2021. Senior Career Specialist at job service provider FlexJobs, Brie Reynolds, recommends three ways to cultivate soft skills: Identify existing soft skills and build upon them for improvement Enroll in...
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Call Center Training: Everything You Need to Know

Call centers have evolved by a huge degree from the 1960s when the agents used to be housewives functioning as telemarketers. Today, agents require proper call center training to learn how to serve various functions in sales, servicing, marketing, support and what not! More than half of the customers consider the service a business provides...
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What Is OSHA Compliance Training? Requirements, Benefits & Course

Safety is still a major concern for workers, especially in the construction and manufacturing industries. According to the National Safety Council, a worker gets injured on the job every seven seconds. That adds up to 540 work injuries an hour. In 2020, there were 4,113 preventable injury-related deaths among workers, and the cost ran into...
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What Is Workplace Violence Training?

With acts of violence increasing in society each day, workplaces cannot remain immune to them. Today it is common to witness incidents of verbal abuse, intimidations, and physical assaults in the workplace. Confirming this are some shocking statistics from the National Safety Council: Assault is the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. workplace....
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Employee Training & Development: Importance, Types, Examples & Best Practices

It may be stating the obvious to say that employee training and development is a significant activity across organizations and industries. But that’s because it is. Perhaps you already have a rough idea of employee training. But to make the most of such programs, you first need to know them inside out or the nuances....
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