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9 Benefits of Microlearning You Need to Know

Looking for ways to improve the completion rates of your elearning courses? Want to make your online training content more comprehensive and easy to remember? Well, you should go for microlearning because it drives knowledge retention and improves performance. Nowadays the learners are overwhelmed with too much information. They get easily distracted by competing priorities....
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What is SCORM? A Guide on SCORM Files & Packages

SCORM is key to ensuring that eLearning content and learning management systems (LMS) work well together. It enables interoperability between different SCORM software products and allows content to be easily shared and used across different systems without modification. This makes it a powerful technology in the realm of eLearning and online training. If you’re new...
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8 Tips for Effective Blended Learning Strategies

In today’s digital age, the expectations of learners are diverse and highly individualized. Fortunately, the instructional methods capable of meeting their requirements are also evolving rapidly. The blended learning approach is one such method. It combines the engagement strategies of both traditional and non-traditional learning environments. So, learners get the benefit of synchronous offline learning...
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How Adaptive Learning Works in Favor of Learners & Learning Outcomes

I am a geriatric millennial born in the early 80s. Adaptive learning was unheard of during my schooling. Learning took place at a predetermined time and place. All this left no room for independent, self-paced, and customized learning experiences. There was no active involvement of learners in the educational process There was no consideration of...
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How to Choose the Best LMS Software: A Checklist

With so many learning management systems (LMS) flooding the eLearning space, selecting the best platform is definitely a daunting task. Many would say that the process is rather overwhelming because the sheer abundance makes it challenging to identify the best tool that meets and exceeds the expectations. Moreover, there are so many things that need...
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6 Ways to Use LMS for Powering Your Channel Partner Performance

Are you using channel partners as a source to generate revenue for your business? It is true that using a large sales channel network for the distribution of a product can be excellent for sales.  But with so many people representing your business, it isn’t an easy task to maintain your brand image. Moreover, equipping...
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Top 5 Benefits of Informal Learning in the Workplace (With Examples)

Organizations that want to promote employee growth can choose a blend of formal and informal learning methods for success. This judicious blend can help organizations meet their learning objectives. How? In today’s digitally advanced world, we constantly learn new information, skills, and working methods. Plus, it has also revolutionized the way we create and share...
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SCORM Vs Tin Can API: What’s the Difference?

Tin Can API and SCORM are both eLearning standards, which help companies to measure the impact of their training programs. At some point in the past, eLearning standards were built for facilitating interoperability between content and LMS; now with SCORM and especially Tin Can API, it’s about tracking learning experiences as much as it is...
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What Is a Tin Can API?

With the growth in the number of software applications and the size of data that companies rely on today, software interoperability is a hot topic. Tin Can API is one such related concept. In the last couple of years, Tin Can API has become a buzzword in the arena of authoring tools, learning management systems,...
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6 Benefits of Blended Learning

Whether you teach in an elementary school, college, or corporate training program, you have probably heard of blended learning, which is an umbrella term for using tfechnology in teaching. There has been a lot of debate about whether blended learning is beneficial for students, or if it is just distracting. However, there has also been...
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