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3 Ways To Gamify Your Online Courses

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” -Dale Carnegie Did you know around 543,000 new businesses get started each month and roughly 7 out of 10 firms survive, while the rest of them fail to achieve their targets? But why do most of these businesses fail? There could be multiple...
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What are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)?

Massive open online courses, or MOOCs, have been one of the biggest educational technology stories of the past three years. What started as an experiment – when Stanford professors Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig put their artificial intelligence course online for anyone to take — has turned into a major revolution, both in education and...
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How to Engage Corporate Learners Through Online Courses

                  Engaging corporate learners in online learning requires knowledge of basic adult learning principles and collaboration. Engaging learners means that the trainer or instructor gets learners involved in the learning experience through interaction with other class participants and tasks that learners deem worthwhile. Engagement also means that...
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